Qualified, Accredited & Compliant - It’s important that both domestic electricians and commercial electricians taking on work in the Towcester area have the right qualifications, and are members of the right trade associations and accrediting bodies. So how does Charlton Installations hold up in this department? We’re Trustmark approved, showing we meet government standards for electrical installations and repair work, and certified members of NAPIT, a registered competent persons scheme.
We’re also subject to assessment by the Electrical Safety Register, on which we appear, and are complaint with Building Regulations - such as Section P and all relevant HSE Directives. This gives clients throughout Towcester and its surrounds peace of mind, knowing the electrical contractors they’ve chosen are scrupulous, and won’t cut corners or ignore protocol and best practice.
Expert Advice at Every Turn - Our domestic electricians and commercial electricians help Towcester clients through helpful, no obligation consultations to ensure they have the right information at hand. You might be unsure whether a property that’s been recently purchased and seems to have fairly old electrical installations / infrastructure, really needs a full rewire. We’ll quickly be able to let you know the options you have available, and what might prove most cost effective.
We are also always on hand to provide advice to businesses, landlords, local authorities and other property shareholders on how to ensure a rigorous level of corporate oversight is present, to safeguard against electrical accidents and the injury and legal culpability that can come with it. In this area, we urge Towcester clients to be proactive - if it’s been some time since you subjected your wiring and electrical installations to scrutiny, get in touch without electrical contractors ASAP.
Versatility - Some electrical contractors serve solely as domestic electricians, or solely as commercial electricians; some will just handle electrical installations and rewires, others will stick to everyday, smaller jobs such as swapping out a light switch or assisting with a power cut. Charlton Installations look to serve as Towcester’s one-stop solution for all the above and much, much more.
Why is versatility so important? It means that a) you have reputable electrical contractors in your phone book for whatever might arise, you won’t be faced with a “sorry, we don’t do that”, and have to re-research domestic electricians / commercial electricians that are going to provide a high standard of work. And b) it means even fairly extensive projects can be handled entirely in-house, simplifying project management and potentially saving Towcester residents a considerable sum.